About the Journal
Mission Statement
Our goal is to present indigenous science as separate and equal to contemporary science as is current in academic institutions. We are inspired by Eskasoni First Nation’s Elders, Albert and Murdena Marshall, who brought the idea of Two-Eyed Seeing into the academic world through the Integrative Science Program at Cape Breton University in Sidney, Nova Scotia. Etuaptmumk is the word for Two-Eyed Seeing in the Mi’qmaq language, and we are proud to present a Journal that begins with an indigenous word. We are aiming for true explanatory pluralism based on sound science, but science that may not translate into the contemporary positivist, empiricist, rationalist paradigm dominant in academia today. We are aiming for genuine cross-disciplinary and cross-cultural communication in an atmosphere of respect for all points of view. We are open to articles from all disciplines as we are more concerned with the philosophy and the epistemology than the particular discipline in which the article may reside. Part of decolonizing academia may be to deconstruct the disciplines that have arisen as they may not actually be representative of the nature of the world, which may not divide itself into the categories currently existent. It is with thanks (wolowon; pilamaye) to Albert Marshall that we (the editorial team) have come to learn and embrace the concept of Etuaptmumk and it is through his guidance that we have envisioned this new path for scholarship. For decades, Albert has adamantly refused ownership of Etuaptmumk, saying that he is but a conduit for the knowledge of generations. It is to those generations of indigenous Knowledge Keepers, past, present, and future, that this Journal is dedicated. We carry a responsibility to hold place for Indigenous voices in the academe where often no space is held.
For now, please email submissions to [email protected]. We are accepting
submissions in any language. If we can’t translate it, we’ll send it back to you and request a translation, but we are open to publishing in any language the authors prefer with translations available into English and French (which we will provide). We are publishing pre-prints before peer-review with opportunities for interactive discussions on the Journal webpage while the peer-review occurs. We will move articles from the status of pre-print to peer-reviewed once that has happened. A third category will be articles confirmed from multiple perspectives. The advantage of an online platform is that discussion about the articles can occur during all phases of the editorial process. We do anticipate printing small runs of each issue for those who enjoy a hard copy. A nominal charge will be associated with the printed version, but the online version will be Open Access for anyone to read. We will charge authors a small fee for publication, but substantially less than most Open Access fees and with Third World discounts. Current sponsors of the Journal include Coyote Institute and the Neurobiological Learning Society. We project publishing four issues per year and are currently seeking articles and peer reviewers. After our first year of publication, we will apply for inclusion in the National Library of Medicine’s Medline.